About me
When I was little I wanted to become a housewife and mother, as a teenager I wanted to fly jets and at the age of 19 I wanted to be an architect. Well … I ended up becoming a specialist in communications and spent many years working in leading communications positions in global companies, mostly in the pharmaceutical area. And I did do a lot of flying in those years, just not as the pilot.
Then it was time to start something new and I started my own company – again in international communications and still with a lot of passion and attention to detail.
But there was always another, lingering passion of mine: Italy.
This is what brought me to the Salento where I fell in love: with the people, the landscape, the sea, the wine, the food – in short: the Italian way of life. So I renovated a small house right at the bottom of the heel of the Italia boot and spend my time between Switzerland, Germany and Italy. And I started Vino e Vita. Simply because sharing beautiful things makes them even more beautiful and enjoyable.